Ahhhh, it’s good to unlplug for a few days

When I told some friends I was going camping and would not have internet access they did not understand what I was talking about. They quickly offered several technical solutions to my “problem”, but of course I knew I COULD get internet if I really wanted to, but I was CHOOSING to unplug. Again, they did not understand why I want to do such a crazy thing.

So for 5 days I did not go online – except once I was sitting in the car waiting on Erin and popped on my phone to check email for like 2 minutes. But for the most part I was offline and it was a nice change of pace. Not only was I not connected to the internet in the technical sense, but I also let myself not think about work at all – something I really never do, not even for a few hours usually.

My point? I guess my point is that it’s good to take a break once in a while. I feel refreshed and relaxed and ready to return to long days and nights working online.

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