A 5k? Me? Seriously?

I am not sure how it happened, but Erin talked me into running a 5k with her. It is in like 2 weeks and I am not ready to run 3.1 miles – at least not all at once.

Now, I am not totally out of shape, but I sit at a computer for a living and I work long hours. So my playing basketball once a week and playing with the kids is not necessarily preparing me to run a 5k anytime soon. Eating 5 Guys three times in the last week is not helping either.

Erin on the other hand has been doing the “Couch to 5k” plan for her second time, she did it years ago and still gives me grief for not being at the finish line to greet her (to my defense I worked a 16 hour day the night before and got off at like 3am, just a few hours before her race started). But I still felt really bad about missing it, I knew it was a big accomplishment for her -sorry babe. It is probably that guilt that let me get talked into the River City Rat Race 5K on October 24th.

Anybody got some NipGuards I can use so I don’t end up like Andy during the “Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run For The Cure”

3 Responses to “A 5k? Me? Seriously?”

  1. Here is a guy that finished a little before me in the Fort 4 Fitness half marathon. I use medical tape. There is no way I could finish a race like that.


  2. Uh…..that is a typo right? It should be drive a 5k. No need to thank me for catching that heinous error.

  3. Good luck Steve! That is awesome!!