My parents read my blog…

My folks read my blog, and why wouldn’t they – it’s awesome! :)

Seriously though, knowing that my parents will read many of my posts does prevent me from being as crass or profane as I may sometimes tend to be, if for nothing more then a laugh. But I guess it is a good rule for everyone in today’s digital age to “Never post anything on the internet you wouldn’t want your mom to read.”

Anyways, my mom commented to me the other day on one of my posts – she said that it was reassuring to hear that I thought they did a good job raising me. Huh? I guess I had just assumed that my parents knew how great of a job they did and that all of us kids are eternally grateful that we grew up in a happy home. But I guess I never told them that directly.

So here it is: Mom and Dad you were and are great parents!

One of the biggest eye-openers for me going away to college (way back when) was how many of my friends came from broken and/or unhappy homes, or simply were not close to their family. I feel truly blessed to have had the childhood I had and the loving care of a mom and dad that were both actively involved in my life – even the times that know-it-all 12-year-old me thought you were too actively involved. :)

I may not have gotten everything I wanted as a kid (what kid does?), but I always got anything I needed. And I know that to provide everything all of us kids needed meant sacrifices, so thank you.

I learned many valuable lessons from you both, including many of my very core values in life. And as I get older and take on parenting and family life myself I continue to discover how much I learned about that too.  I continue to use your example as my guide in much of what I do.

So thanks. (Now don’t give me any grief if I drop a few f-bombs in a post someday.)

2 Responses to “My parents read my blog…”

  1. Awesome steve! Awesome of them and cool of you to call it!!!!!

  2. I love your blog, I read it and Erin’s. They make me smile and love the pictures!I think your parents did a great job, you are all good parents.