Ella and the joy of Legos

Legos are such a wonderful toy. I loved them growing up, even though I didn’t have legos of my own, my friends and eventually my younger siblings did, so I had plenty of time to enjoy them. Ella and I picked out her first legos the other day and we took them camping – they […]

What a fun family I have

Lately, I have been taking note of what a fun little family the four of us are. There is a lot of laughter and creativity in our home most days. Here are two recent moments that come to mind: After almost 4 hours in the car, driving up to Northern Michigan to go camping a […]

Like mother, like daughter

What a wonderful six years it’s been

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary. So we have now been married for as long as we dated before getting hitched (I can feel Erin rolling her eyes at that – see how well we know each other?) Back in 2004, we had a beautiful wedding weekend at Casa Cody Inn, Palm Springs. It was […]

Ella discovers online gaming

Ella has started using our laptops to type words and play online games. I have a feeling this scene is going to be familiar for the next dozen years.

Nice afternoon at the park

Late yesterday afternoon Erin and I took the girls to a really nice park. The plan was that Ella could practice riding her new Hello Kitty bike on the walking path that circles the park. It was so much fun. Ella was a riot, and was also an impressive little bike rider! I can not […]

Short hair like daddy

Ella got her cut yesterday and it is unbelievably cute. The photos don’t even come close to doing the cuteness justice. She told the stylist that she wanted “short hair like my daddy.” (I wish my hair was that long!)

My little girl started school today!

How is this possible? Erin and I dropped Ella off for her first day of preschool. She was very excited to see her teacher Miss Elizabeth and did not seem scared at all, unlike one little boy that was screaming and crying “I want to go home!” over and over! We were nervous that his […]

At the mall…

Professing my lifelong love for: Campfires

I was going to say camping, since I just returned from a wonderful three day camping trip with our really great friends. But despite all the fun we had, when it comes right down to it – my love of camping really all comes from the hallowed tradition of the campfire. There is simply nothing […]