Running again…

Well, my knee has finally recovered from the overexertion of my condensed ‘training’ for the 5K race. The knee was actually better about a week (or two) ago, but I finally got off my butt and went out for a run. I ran 1 mile this morning and it felt pretty good, although my feet […]

Mr. Peanut gets a celebrity voiceover

Mr. Peanut has been a beloved mascot for 94 years without saying a word. Now with this new commercial Planters decides it’s time to give him a voice. Do you recognize the movie star voicing Mr. Peanut?

Extremity I by Emilio Gomariz

By Spanish industrial designer and art director Emilio Gomariz.

Lose 10 pounds in 2 days – just like me!

It’s true, you too can lose 10 pounds in just 2 days! All you have to do is catch a wicked stomach virus that holds you captive in bed and bathroom for 48 hours. To follow the diet exactly, you should only eat one piece of toast and a snickers bar during those two days. […]