Matt Damon is The Informant!

I had no expectations of this film, which usually gives a movie a huge boost in the chances that I will give it a positive review. (Of course I enjoy movies so much, I rarely trash a whole movie – I seem to always find parts I enjoy.)

Anyways, I found The Informant! hilarious and highly entertaining in a subtle under-the-radar way, where much of the humor could be missed by many. The way someone watching Rushmore can find everything in it hilarious while the person next to them is bored to death. While Damon’s voiceover could come off as meaningless prattling, I found most of it side-splitting! Equally funny is all the early 90s references in clothes, hairstyle, cell phone size, etc.

I also am a sucker for true stories, even if they have been spun into a funnier-then-real-life version. I also was secretly proud of myself for knowing so much about the company Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) having buying some of their stock a few years ago.

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